Join me in supporting GNIP's freed clients: A message from exoneree Terry Olson

My name is Terry Olson and I am a proud 2016 GNIP exoneree. I first attended the Innocence Network Conference in 2018. Now, I invite you to join me in donating to the Great North Innocence Project’s campaign to send more freed and exonerated clients and their support people to this important event. I know firsthand how transformative the experience can be.

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GNIP legal intern reflects on first-hand post-conviction litigation experience

Summer legal intern, Anna Mae Engel, accompanied GNIP’s managing attorney, Andrew Markquart, to Mississippi to support during the evidentiary hearing for GNIP’s client, Amy Wilkerson. Amy has been incarcerated for a crime that she did not commit for 18 years. Below, Anna Mae details what it was like as a law student to attend the hearing and collaborate with the legal team to support Amy’s case.

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Volunteer of the Month: Stuart Nelson

Stuart Nelson is a Principal at Fish & Richardson’s Minneapolis office. With support from his firm, Stuart and a team of pro bono attorneys from Fish are dedicating significant time and legal expertise to one of GNIP’s open cases and supporting Managing Attorney Andrew Markquart and Legal Fellow Anna McGinn. Stuart shared that, “Fish’s support on this case has been wonderful, and it shows a real commitment to the importance of pro bono work.”

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